
Mahdy Othman

Assistant Professor, Accounting
Consultant, College of Business Administration for Academic Affairs

College of Business Administration- Dahban

Major of Accounting - College of Business Administration - D

Assistant professor of accounting with 13 years of experience in academic field and 7 years of experience in industry.

Expert in academic affairs in all related aspects: registration, advising, equalization and accreditation.

Expert in income tax, VAT and Zakat through field and academic experience.

Doctorate of Philosophy in Accounting

Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan | 2012

Master of Business Administration

University of Yarmouk, Irbid, Jordan | 2003

Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting

University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq | 1998


§ Advanced (GAAP & IFRS)

§ Managerial

§ Intermediate (GAAP & IFRS)

§ Computerized

§ Zakat & Tax

Financial Reporting & Analysis
  • Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, UBT, 2018-present
  • Head of Accounting Department, UBT 2019
  • Head of Finance Department, UBT, 2017
  • Head of Academic Affairs, UBT, 2014-2016
  • Assistant Professor of Accounting, UBT, 2013-date
  • Assistant Professor of Accounting, IU. 2006-2013
  • Senior Tax Officer, ISTD, 2000-2006
  • International Financial Reporting Standards.
  • Income Tax and Value Added Tax
  • Auditing and Assurance

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