Vice President for Quality & Development

In realization of UBT Vision and Mission, the Vice Deanship for Quality and Development (VRQD) sets strategic priorities to enhance the competitive value of UBT and its sustainability as a source Competent Graduates who meets the labour market needs and embody the university’s motto "Education for Job Opportunities". Working in partnership with all UBT Sectors and Stakeholders, we seek promoting the quality culture and its practices, as we consider it defines UBT way of operations, as well as continuously working on improving UBT services and procedures aiming to enhance productivity and institutional performance. We also seek to enhance the culture of strategic planning that is supported by annual operational plans that are monitored periodically, and that are associated with improvement action plans that contribute to reaching set goals/objectives within targeted due dates and quality levels. To ensure enhancing the quality of decision making within UBT and the overall working culture, we frequently disseminate quality and accurate data to relevant stakeholders. Additionally, as human capital is a strategic resource for growth and prosperity, our Capacity Building Center (faculty/staff/students) work on providing continuous professional and academic development opportunities that are based on institutional and individual needs. Furthermore, and to ensure institutional effectiveness, UBT operates within a Governance Framework that that clearly defines key roles, responsibilities, and relationships between various UBT units.

All of these efforts are well grounded as practices and procedures that are continuously improved and benchmarked against best international practices and are periodically measured by clearly set Key Performance Indicators and Performance Targets, which overall contribute to UBT continuation of gaining Institutional and Program Accreditation (National and International), as well as contributing to UBT efforts to excel at the Best Regional Universities Rankings performed by renowned Rankings Agencies, which are all aligned with both UBT2023 Strategic Goals and Saudi 2030 Vision.

Embracing the principle of continuous development, stakeholder partnership, and working through a team spirit, we would be pleased to receive your continuous improvement proposals and forward looking feedback that will contribute to enhancing UBT institutional performance (Teaching, Research, Community Engagement, Administrative) and achieving the university’s mission in delivering high quality market driven programs and graduating productive work ready citizens.

Best Regards
Vice Rector for Quality and Development