About Sharaka
The University of Business and Technology is looking forward to being a model university, well known for its high quality worldwide in high specialized educational programs and applied scientific researching, through its partnership strategy to prepare future leaders with high skills and experiences. The university provides high quality educational programs which meet the requirements of the Saudi job market preparing students to excel as pioneers and leaders. Also, the university is determined to make use of its applied researches creating the proper academic atmosphere stimulating a continuous educational environment. In addition to this, the university is looking forward to combine efforts with all pioneer universities in various fields and work to participate in discoveries and inventions, as its clear for us that our role is more than of providing society with education, exceeding to adopt knowledge as basic orbit of the educational process, producing and passing on knowledge, enhancing the culture of creation and creativity. These are the main pillars which are necessary to form a new generation, able to work, communicate and build the economy of knowledge, a direction driven by creativity and modernization which ends to the renaissance of the nation and out of this thought, the soul of SHARAKA initiative came to life.