
This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational efectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful efect of the co-occurrence of group intra-conficts, investigating leader-member diferentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Research Plan 2021-2022 (At a glance)

1 Active UBT Researchers 5 International Researchers 6 Articles in Q1/Q2 Journals 1 Book

Active UBT Researchers

Dr Mansour H (Leader) Dr Mansour H (Leader) PhD Email: Tel: No: 00966-22326754

International Collaborating researchers

Dr. Trstenjak A

Prof. Zikovic S

Dr. Mansour FK

Dr. Ibrahim RM

Dr. Hamdy AM

Current Research Projects

· Effective Waste Management: A Foundation for a Circular Economy: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

· The impact of information and communication technologies on economic growth: The case of Egypt: Economic Journal of Emerging Markets

· Sewage sludge Management and circular economy: Energies

Published research

· Mansour H (2021???). The Impact of Work and Leisure Value on Happiness in Egypt: Int. J. Happiness and Development/ Indersciences/ Web of science. International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD) Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business, and industry through research

· Mansour H (2021????). The Role of Effective Governance in Determining the Relationship Between Muslims’ Religiosity and Their Income: International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT) / SCOPUS/web of science

· Mansour H (2021????). The financial liberalization's effect on economic growth: the case of Egypt and Saudi Arabia

· Bader Alazzam, M., Mansour, H., Hammam, M. M., Alsheikh, S., Bakir, A., Alghamdi, S., & AlGhamdi, A. S. (2021). Machine learning of medical applications involving complicated proteins and genetic measurements. Computational intelligence and neuroscience.

· Alazzam, M. B., Mansour, H., Alassery, F., & Almulihi, A. (2021). Machine learning implementation of a diabetic patient monitoring system using interactive E-app. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.

Research Plan 2021-2022

Active UBT Researchers

International Collaborating Researchers

Current Research Projects

  • Effective Waste Management: A Foundation for a Circular Economy: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
  • The impact of information and communication technologies on economic growth: The case of Egypt: Economic Journal of Emerging Markets
  • Sewage sludge Management and circular economy: Energies

Research Publications

  • Mansour H (2021???). The Impact of Work and Leisure Value on Happiness in Egypt: Int. J. Happiness and Development/ Indersciences/ Web of science. International Journal of Happiness and Development (IJHD) Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business, and industry through research
  • Mansour H (2021????). The Role of Effective Governance in Determining the Relationship Between Muslims’ Religiosity and Their Income: International Journal of Islamic Thought (IJIT) / SCOPUS/web of science
  • Mansour H (2021????). The financial liberalization's effect on economic growth: the case of Egypt and Saudi Arabia
  • Bader Alazzam, M., Mansour, H., Hammam, M. M., Alsheikh, S., Bakir, A., Alghamdi, S., & AlGhamdi, A. S. (2021). Machine learning of medical applications involving complicated proteins and genetic measurements. Computational intelligence and neuroscience.
  • Alazzam, M. B., Mansour, H., Alassery, F., & Almulihi, A. (2021). Machine learning implementation of a diabetic patient monitoring system using interactive E-app. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.

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