
This group’s research revolves around leadership of diverse work groups, group functioning, and group outcomes. The focus of its current research is on developing new and more comprehensive multi-level conceptualizations of group processes that may enhance individual, group, and organizational efectiveness, and improve management practice. Current research investigated alleviating the harmful efect of the co-occurrence of group intra-conficts, investigating leader-member diferentiation’s (LMX) consequences from a moral disengagement perspective, and the role of emotions in ameliorating the twin eect of organizational injustice on employees’ deviant customer-oriented behavior

Research Plan 2021-2022

Active UBT Researchers

International Collaborating Researchers

Current Research Projects

  • Marketing, Brand and Tourism: Use of social media during Covid 19 crisis and its impact on Brand Image: Case of Airlines Industry
  • Marketing and Sports Events: Sponsoring and its impact on attitude: The role of Emotions, Congruence, durable involvement, relational proximity: Case of Sponsorship of Tunisia National Team in the World Cup “Russia 2018”.
  • Perspectives of Marketing in the Era of Meta verse.
  • Education in the Era of Meta verse.

Research Publications

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